Origin has been involved with many clients over many years. We chose the following
client stories to share; they represent how our firm can help when called upon.
We have had great success with Origin since 2015. They consistently deliver excellent service and quality products.
– IT Manager at Modesto Irrigation District

Location: The City of Fond du Lac, WI
Ongoing Client
The City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, through its municipally owned Water Utility and Wastewater Department, serves approximately 16,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers, as well as 19 additional communities in the surrounding area.
The City of Fond du Lac
Location: The City of Fond du Lac, WI
Ongoing Client
For the City of Fond du Lac, the Origin project team delivered the SmartCity platform and its integrated meter-to-cash applications, including the Oracle Customer to Meter (C2M) customer information system, OriginCX customer engagement portal, and OriginPay payment processing in 8 months – less than half the time and cost of a typical project of this size and complexity. This holistic and value-based approach sets Origin SmartCity alone in the market to help municipal and utility clients deploy the best technology quickly and is perfectly suited to long-term sustainability.

Location: Newark, NJ
Ongoing Client
The Newark Water & Sewer Department prioritizes high-quality water, meeting regulations, and efficiently managing sewage to protect waterways from pollution and ensure residents and businesses receive superior service.
City of Newark
Location: Newark, NJ
Ongoing Client
In 2022, Origin partnered with Newark, NJ for the implementation of Origin's SmartCity solution. It offers a flexible framework for municipalities to choose top applications, integrate through cloud-based services, and innovate within their budget. The City's SmartCity implementation includes Oracle C2M, OriginCX, OriginIVR, MentorAPM, and OriginPay for Utility Billing, Work Order Management, and Payment Processing, providing application and workflow flexibility for current and future needs.

Location: Modesto, CA
Ongoing Client
Modesto Irrigation District (MID) is an independent and publicly owned utility that provides irrigation, drinking water, and electrical service to the community residents in the San Joaquin Valley in Central California.
Modesto Irrigation District
Location: Modesto, CA
Ongoing Client
MID engaged Origin to re-engineer Customer Self Service (CSS) with Origin Customer Experience (OCX). Origin designed and built OCX to provide MID with a convenient world-class digital interface for their customers that was device-independent with a reactive design. After configuring the OCX dynamic screens and intuitive process flow, MID’s customers can easily check their accounts, pay their bills, review usage online, contact MID for support and even attach media from their mobile device.

Location: Orlando, FL
Ongoing Client
Orland Utilities Commission (OUC) is a municipally-owned public utility providing water and reliable electric services to residents of Orlando, Florida, making OUC known as Florida’s #1 Most Reliable Utilities Company.
Orlando Utilities Commission
Location: Orlando, FL
Ongoing Client
OUC has been a client of Origin since 2008, providing Managed Services, Project Management, as well as projects with Customer Care & Billing (CC&B), Meter Data Management (MDM), and Customer Self-Service (CSS) Integration. Origin has been strategically involved in the implementation and ongoing support of OUC’s current Oracle CC&B solution. Origin’s holistic approach to OUC’s Meter-to-Cash (M2C) solutions has provided functional and technical expertise to their Customer Information System (CIS) solution and customer experience initiatives.

Location: Colchester, VT
Ongoing Client
Green Mountain Power (GMP) provides cost-effective, clean, and reliable energy to communities in Vermont. GMP focuses on renewable power to help power homes and vehicles while striving to lower energy costs.
Green Mountain Power
Location: Colchester, VT
Ongoing Client
Origin’s partnership with GMP began in 2013 and has provided Managed Services and Project Management, as well as functional and technical Oracle resource experts to implement new Oracle solutions such as CSS, MWM, and ODM. In 2014, Origin was the first firm in North America to implement Oracle’s Customer Self Service (CSS) at GMP. Origin then successfully implemented Oracle MWM in 2015 and the Oracle Operational Device Management (ODM) solution in 2016.

Location: Folsom, NJ
Ongoing Client
South Jersey Industries (SJI) is a publicly held energy services holding company, providing reliable and affordable natural gas to approximately 700,000 customers. SJI’s non-utility businesses focus on and promote efficiency, clean technology, and renewable energy.
South Jersey Industries
Location: Folsom, NJ
Ongoing Client
SJI initiated our partnership in 2018 to assist in the acquisition of Elizabethtown Gas (ETG) and Elkton Gas (ELK) business units, delivering a Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) system. In 2019, Origin was awarded the SJI South Jersey Gas (SJG) Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) and IBM Maximo system upgrade. Most recently, Origin successfully upgraded the SJI ETG Maximo System, completing this project in record time with a minor impact on business and IT users.

Location: Irvine, CA
Ongoing Client
Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is an independent special district serving central Orange County, providing quality drinking water, sewage collection, and treatment services. IRWD services approximately 425,000 customers across 1,955 miles of water pipelines.
Irvine Ranch Water District
Location: Irvine, CA
Ongoing Client
Origin assisted IRWD with the development of real-time integration between Oracle Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) and Paymentus payment processing portal. Origin has also recently completed Go-Live at IRWD on their upgrade to their Oracle Utility Billing System (UBS) v2.8. This project included a technical upgrade, as well as remediation of customizations, interfaces, batches, and post-production support. Origin installed the latest version of Oracle Utilities Analytics (OUA) to replace Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence (OUBI).

Location: St. Louis, MO
Ongoing Client
Spire is a public utility holding company, providing natural gas service to more than 1.7 million customers, making Spire the fifth-largest publicly traded natural gas company in the country.
Spire Energy
Location: St. Louis, MO
Ongoing Client
Origin was selected as Spire’s partner in 2015 to complete Spire’s first major upgrade to Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) technology and application platforms, which also included environment upgrade, design and development of a new CC&B to G4 integration, and a new tokenization integration. Origin led troubleshooting, created SQL queries, and held training for knowledge transfer and issue resolution for the Spire team. Spire continues to utilize Origin’s Managed Services and CC&B daily production support.

Location: Anchorage, AK
Ongoing Client
ENSTAR Natural Gas Company (ENSTAR) provides natural gas to homes and businesses across Alaska. Headquartered in Anchorage, ENSTAR is a regulated public utility that serves more than 150,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers.
Enstar Natural Gas
Location: Anchorage, AK
Ongoing Client
Origin’s partnership with ENSTAR Natural Gas Company (ENSTAR) exemplifies our ability to upgrade CC&B and lead innovation at the same time. Initially starting as an upgrade from v2.4 to v2.7 only, the client requested additional enhancements to address specific pain points and leverage new functionality. Origin identified the new scope, formalized the updates into the upgrade project, and provided the requested enhancements for ENSTAR. Origin achieved the original launch date within the original budget.

Location: Dallas, TX
Ongoing Client
The City of Tempe (CoT), provides water, wastewater, and solid waste services to ~180,000 customers in Maricopa County, Arizona. CoT recently implemented new clean energy means, like electric bus lines.
City of Tempe
Ongoing Client
In 2019, Origin began an upgrade of Oracle Utilities’ Customer Care & Billing, retiring customizations and moving their solution to the Cloud Oracle Platform as a Service (PaaS) infrastructure. Origin’s SmartOps team performed this migration and monitored the project post-Go-Live. Origin continues to support the City with additional enhancements and integrations including Paymentus, Routeware, and other integrations in addition to the SmartOps operational support.
The Origin team was not afraid to ask, ‘I know what you want, but have you considered this because it will cost you less and get you there faster?’ That kind of honest communication was invaluable on the project.
– Director of Communication and Customer Service at ENSTAR

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) provides electricity, natural gas, water and wastewater services to the Pikes Peak region of Colorado. CSU prides itself on protecting its environment while delivering exceptional customer service at affordable low costs.
Colorado Springs Utilities
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
CSU has worked with Origin since 2012, providing knowledge transfer on the Oracle Golden Gate, Oracle Data Integrator, and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher products. In 2014, CSU contracted Origin to develop the interface between CSU’s Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) System and its Clevest Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) System. CSU continued working with Origin to develop and deliver Oracle’s CC&B new E-Bill Enhancement software solutions as well as CFR Billing Controls and payment arrangement automation.

Location: Newark, DE
Ongoing Client
Artesian Water is a Newark-based water company founded in 1905. They own, operate, and maintain water treatment and water distribution systems across Delaware.
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
Location: Newark, DE
Ongoing Client
AWC Engaged Origin to Lead Upgrade of Oracle’s Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) and Mobile Workforce Management (MWM). The upgrade resulted in the full conversion of custom COBOL code to Java and XAI services to IWS. The project team deprecated customizations when applicable to fully utilize base functionality. In addition, the team identified and addressed areas for process improvement from the original system configuration.

Location: Miami, FL
The estimated population of Miami-Dade County is approximately 2,700,000 residents, which includes more than 400,000 Miami-Dade County Water customers and more than 1,000,000 electric customers.
Miami-Dade County
Location: Miami, FL
Origin’s team provided Production Support to Miami-Dade County after completing a Customer Care & Billing (CC&B) Upgrade and Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) Upgrade in 2016. After completing CC&B and MWM Upgrades along with a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Upgrade, Origin recently completed a migration to C2M Cloud, converted from CC&B 2.4, in order to aid in the evaluation process for Miami-Dade to determine if they plan to upgrade CC&B or move to C2M.

Location: Salinas, CA
Ongoing Client
Golden State Water Company (GSWC) is a subsidiary of American States Water Company. GSWC includes 2,800 miles of sustainable pipeline and contains 200 groundwater wells in their service territories.
Golden State Water Company
Location: Salinas, CA
Ongoing Client
In June 2017, GSWC engaged Origin to migrate the customer / meter service-related field work to Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) Cloud to Origin’s SmartOps Solution. Their shift was successful towards driving operational efficiencies. GSWC engaged Origin SmartOps to continue the Oracle Utilities MWM in the cloud as the utility was looking for a more robust operating model with enhanced levels of support for both the business and IT stakeholders.

Location: Middlesex, NJ
Ongoing Client
Incorporated in 1897, Middlesex Water Company is a water utility based in New Jersey providing water services to approximately 61,000 retail customers, primarily in eastern Middlesex County, New Jersey.
Middlesex Water Company
Location: Middlesex, NJ
Ongoing Client
Middlesex Water Company engaged Origin to upgrade Oracle’s Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) and Field Work PIP (FWPIP). The project included broad objectives for this endeavor on both technical and functional fronts, including shifting FWPIP to Linux from Windows and re-engineering the business to automate many manual processes through software development and support services. Today, MWC benefits from the new operational efficiencies, scheduling, and optimized workflow.

Location: Big Bear Lake, CA
Ongoing Client
Bear Valley Electric Service provides power to 1,411 commercial and 22,000+ residential members. With 52 employees, BVES services 22,000+ meters over 32 square miles of service territory in Southern California.
Bear Valley Electric Service
Location: Big Bear Lake, CA
Ongoing Client
Bear Valley Electric Service enlisted Origin’s professional services to provide training and configuration work for Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) Underground Service Alerts. BVES contracted Origin for custom integrations, workflow, and mobile forms within MWM / Line Location tickets. This included Origin’s professional services of configuring MWM test and production environments, integration, training for BVES dispatchers and field technicians, and Project Management and oversight.

Location: Poughkeepsie, NY
Central Hudson (CHGE) serves ~309,000 electric and ~84,000 natural gas customers in NY’s Mid-Hudson River Valley. CHGE consists of 580 pole miles of line and 165 miles of transmission pipelines.
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
Location: Poughkeepsie, NY
Central Hudson (CHGE) contracted Origin to develop SQL scripts that reduced and deleted specified temporary / staging records, reducing extraneous storage space usage on Central Hudson’s Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) database. This included Origin’s professional services to delete temporary and staging records for specified Maintenance Objects (MO) and deleting associated database tables. Origin’s team utilized SQL scripts to remove records on the database tables for remote messages, outbound messages, and sync requests among the MO.

Washington Sanitary Sewer Commission (WSSC) is currently among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the nation, containing over 5,800 miles of freshwater pipeline and a service area spanning approximately 1,000 square miles.
WSSC Water
Location: Laurel, MD
Origin partnered with WSSC for the first U.S. implementation of Customer-to-Meter (C2M), as well as the largest North American C2M implementation, with a cutover in July 2019. The implementation involved the replacement of a 30-year-old mainframe legacy Customer Information System (CIS), an aging Field Services dispatch system with Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management (MWM) 2.3, and a Meter inventory management system with Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management-Operational Device Management (WAM-ODM) version 2.2.

TXU is one of the oldest and most trusted electric companies in Texas. They currently serve more than 2.1 million business and residential customers across cities such as Houston, Midland, Dallas-Fort-Worth, and surrounding areas.
TXU Energy
Location: Dallas, TX
TXU Energy & Cap Gemini Engaged Origin to Establish Offshore IT Production Support and Operations for Oracle Customer Care & Billing in Bangalore, India - TXU wanted to migrate their information technology support for application development and production support away from Oracle Managed Services. Origin led the effort to migrate these functions from Manila, Philippines to Cap Gemini's offshore support in Bangalore, India.

Location: Hughesville, MD
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO) is an electric distribution cooperative, providing electricity to approximately 161,000 community residents in southern Maryland, including Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s, and St. Mary counties.
Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
Location: Hughesville, MD
SMECO started its relationship with Origin in 2008 with an Oracle Utilities Customer Self-Service (OUCSS) Implementation Discovery Workshop. This led to a project for OUCSS Cloud and Support Services in 2015, Origin assisting with Oracle Utilities Business Intelligence (OUBI), Data Warehouse Design principles, and Customer Care & Billing (CC&B). Most recently, Origin supported SMECO’s transition to a new Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider, including assistance with Amazon Web Service (AWS) platform maintenance and troubleshooting.